Limiting mutes to 3

  • updated

You are now limiting the number of mutes to 3, or "start a free trial to Pro". After the free trial is over then what happens? Go Pro @ $75/mo or continue on "Basic" with only 3 mutes available? I am not interested in Pro, so my choices will then be to accept annoying posts ("noise") on StockTalks, or sign off. Of course, if I sign off I will no longer be seeing your ads. Is this really what you want to accomplish?


The level of political bloviating permitted in comments really detracts from the value of your site. Maybe you should break up Wall Street Breakfast into Wall Street Breakfast Investing and Wall Street Breakfast Political Bloviating.

Failing that, may I suggest raising the number of permitted mutes to something like 10 so that serial whining political losers can be stopped from ruining the value of your product.

Tom Landry

This is to me an artificial and arbitrary crippling of StockTalks. I am worried of what next basic feature will be used to steer people to SA Pro. Even if that was if muting was a perfectly a propos feature to drive SA Pro membership, it's too expensive for me. I dissaprove of the change and I am considering taking my chatting business elsewhere.