I am trying to delete old stocktalks (that I originated). Some work, some act like it works, but they're still there, some tell me I can only delete my own (and they are my own). Help

  • updated
  • Completed

Thanks for the update!! I very much appreciate your time on this! I just wanted to delete a bunch of old posts so as not to tie up space, and as they are no longer relevant. Thanks again!

SA Michael S. Lipkin

Hi. We have a bug, which is being addressed, that if there's an emoji in the StockTalk (or the replies) it can't be deleted. Thanks for your patience.


Thanks for deleting these. But, has the issue creating the problem in the first place been resolved? I have continued to try to delete old stocktalks only to have them remain. Why doesnt any stocktalk I originate delete when requested? Should it not work this way?

Thanks again!

SA Michael S. Lipkin
  • Completed

These have been deleted.

SA Michael S. Lipkin

Thanks for the follow up. Still looking into it.


Additional info. Went into my stocktalks. Selected all with WPG reference (there were 7). Deleted all of them.

Logged out. Closed window. Got back into SA by logging in. The 7 WPG stocktalks still there. Selected each to delete again. This time, said can only delete my own stocktalks. 

Something is definitely amiss!   If I originate the stocktalk, why doesnt it simply delete it the first time, end of story?

Im at a loss here! 



Just tried to delete $GOLD Oct 18. Acts like it's working, but its still there. I've gone through and deleted a number of Gold posts, no problems, then when I come back in later, theyre still there. Then other times, it tells me I cant delete because its not my post. But, it is. Very frustrating!  If I delete one, it seems like the number of stocktalks under my profile should drop by one as I delete each. Not so much. Thanks for taking time!

SA Michael S. Lipkin
  • Under review


Can you provide a few examples of the StockTalks with these issues so we can try and reproduce the problem?
