Missing coverage

  • updated

Can anyone explain why a COMPLETE DELISTING of several ETFs received NO coverage on Seeking Alpha? I just went looking for $KWT after checking $TAN and was stunned to discover $KWT had been delisted in SEPTEMBER 2017. I'm already calling my broker Etrade as to why I wasn't warned but usually something like this is at least COVERED in a note on Seeking Alpha and since it's listed in my portfolio I get that new article/notice. NOTHING on this. I just went over the still existing $KWT carefully.

What gives here?

hj lieb

I have noticed that regular contributors no longer cover JPM. Throughout the first 3 quarters of 2018  at least 1 to 3 reports per month were published. Is there a compelling reason for this adjournment?


We like to think we capture all the news that's relevant for well-followed tickers, but unfortunately we're not quite at 100%.

Sorry for the delayed response as I've been traveling ...