How can I reduce Colorado Wealth Management Fund email flood?

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I follow Colorado Wealth Management, it appears in my "New articles by people you follow" e-mail, which I expected. But I also get a flood of e-mail from Colorado Wealth Management separately, which is very irritating. (Would a successful money management firm have to try so hard?)

If I unsubscribe from the e-mail, will it also take Colorado Wealth Management out of "New articles by people you follow"?

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SA Editor Daniel Shvartsman
  • Answer

They disclose their qualifications to us; after that it's up to them to decide what needs to be made public.

In keeping with our site's approach, our vetting primarily based on how much readers like their work, along with key ethical considerations. 


The answer is yes, we vet all our paid authors. Thanks for the question.


You sidestepped my other question.  Why don't you require pay authors to disclose their qualifications?

SA Editor Daniel Shvartsman
  • Answer

They disclose their qualifications to us; after that it's up to them to decide what needs to be made public.

In keeping with our site's approach, our vetting primarily based on how much readers like their work, along with key ethical considerations.