On the new notifications interface on desktop - please allow open in new window again

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Today I noticed that the notifications bell on desktop has a new design.

Unfortunately, it broke a use case I rely on very much.  With the old popup (still accessible if you're reading an article instead of being in the front page), I can:

#1 - click the bell and get a popup with the list of new messages in articles you are following, etc.

#2 - for each notification you want to read, press and hold the CTRL key and press left mouse button simultaneously.

This makes the notification entry you just clicked in the popup be removed, and the browser opens the corresponding page in a new tab.  If you have multiple notifications, this makes it very easy to click a number of them to open them each in their own tab.

Now, with the new notifications bell user interface, after you open the list of notifications, if you then use "CTRL" + "left click", the browser follows the url on the current tab!  That means one can no longer open multiple tabs one for each notification, which makes it much more inconvenient to follow the comments my articles of interest.

Please bring back "CTRL" + "left click" -- it is standard behavior -- just try it on any regular URL and you'll see the browser opens in a separate tab.  The magic thing with the previous popup user interface was that it did that -- open in separate tab AND, it removed the notification you clicked from the list of pending notifications.  Since the old UI is still available, please give it a try, you'll see what I mean.

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SA Maya Natan
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Thank you for reporting this bug. I will ask our dev team to fix this issue.


I noticed now that ctrl - click again works as I expected.  Thanks for fixing it!

SA Maya Natan
  • Answer
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Thank you for reporting this bug. I will ask our dev team to fix this issue.


In the subject, I meant "in new tab" instead of "new window".  But that's a minor thing.