Why can't I read articles anymore? Is Seeking Alpha going to a paid only subscription service?

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Quote from ZachMoney

If this is your attitude toward the situation, I must cancel my subscriptions immediately and I will request a refund. It's unacceptable for you to troll us as we have serious concerns about your platform. Thanks for making it an easy decision.

It’s not my platform.  I am simply a member of SA who agrees with what they are doing.

Quote from Seeking more alpha than you

What are they losing exactly?  People who don’t want to pay.  No big loss.

If this is your attitude toward the situation, I must cancel my subscriptions immediately and I will request a refund. It's unacceptable for you to troll us as we have serious concerns about your platform. Thanks for making it an easy decision.


Judging by the comments, users who are complaining were never on the fence.  They simply want everything for free and are using excuses like lack of transparency and slimy approach to justify their sense of entitlement.  If you don't get it or understand, then I can't help you.  You are dismissed.


Users who are on the fence about paying but don't want to support a slimy approach to conversion to pay-site.  If you don't get it or undrestand discretionary buyer behavior then I can't help you.  Enjoy trolling the boards.  

Quote from Doctorpm

This new SA imposed fee is the equivalent of Facebook charging a fee for you to see your friends vacation pics or home feed.  How long do you think FB would last with that business model?   Contributors on SA are going to loose subscribers by the truck load.  SA could have at least made an announcement that they were going to become a paid service.   Surprising your member base with the statement that they have reached their free article limit without explaining to them it was going to occur or defining just what that limit would be should be rebuked heavily! 

What are they losing exactly?  People who don’t want to pay.  No big loss.


This new SA imposed fee is the equivalent of Facebook charging a fee for you to see your friends vacation pics or home feed.  How long do you think FB would last with that business model?   Contributors on SA are going to loose subscribers by the truck load.  SA could have at least made an announcement that they were going to become a paid service.   Surprising your member base with the statement that they have reached their free article limit without explaining to them it was going to occur or defining just what that limit would be should be rebuked heavily! 

Quote from gkfisher

How much are they paying you to spam every post on this forum?  The lack of transparancy is slimy and it's stupid because it alienates people that may be on the fence to subscribe but are turned off by the lack of transparancy.  Your comment that this is reasonable business approach is laughable.  Just ask BP...  wells fargo, volkswagon... seaworld... and countless more who have worked hard to try to restore faith in their brand and reptutation.  

SA is not paying me anything.  The reason I keep commenting is I think people are being absolutely ridiculous.  There’s no lack of transparency.  To read articles on SA now, one must pay for premium.  Those that are not okay with this can certainly go elsewhere.  SA is not wrong.  Everyone wanting the site to remain free are the ones that are wrong.. This is not up for debate.  

Quote from Seeking more alpha than you

I don't think it's stupid at all.  What I think is stupid is people that have the audacity to complain about how many free articles SA chooses.  It is more than okay for them to charge.  More than.

How much are they paying you to spam every post on this forum?  The lack of transparancy is slimy and it's stupid because it alienates people that may be on the fence to subscribe but are turned off by the lack of transparancy.  Your comment that this is reasonable business approach is laughable.  Just ask BP...  wells fargo, volkswagon... seaworld... and countless more who have worked hard to try to restore faith in their brand and reptutation.  

Quote from DAFOX9

Im surprised on the unexpected charge....At least an additional free trial and adjustments could have soothed the cost.

Why should they give an additional free trial or make any adjustments?


Im surprised on the unexpected charge....At least an additional free trial and adjustments could have soothed the cost.