PRO membership required to read articles

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I keep getting yellow banners at the bottom of articles that say I must have a PRO membership before I can read the article. I have greatly enjoyed reading the articles on Seeking Alpha the past several years. I have learned a great deal about investing and traps to watch out for. I am nearing retirement  and truly value the investing insight provided by Seeking Alpha contributors. I am playing catch-up with my retirement savings and any insight is much appreciated. However, I can't afford to pay the fee required to become a PRO member. The contributors have provided these articles freely to the many readers and I do not believe that the Seeking Alpha gate keepers have the right to charge for the privilege of reading them. I will be looking for other resources to continue my investing education. I do request that the Seeking Alpha gate keepers reconsider the new policy of charging to read any articles regardless of how old they are.

Yeowww Pintac

I guess it comes down to don’t like being told I have to pay or go away.

Ryan Whitehead

I hope I become blessed one day like the other comments that I have read from other readers to profit to put my kids a grandkids threw college to make them better in not left behind from all the new developments. 

Yeowww Pintac

First investment was in 2014 and I knew nothing about. I was starting to earn more capital and wanted to have some fun with it. And I ended up with SA, highly recommended from friends in the business as a simple and free way to get information and learn.
It also taught me, learn when to deal them, and know when to walk away! I’m gone! 🌬️🌬️🌬️💨


Just another episode in the downfall of a free America! They’re going to charge for everything until people just don’t buy shit and they can control us through non-information. This is such an outright joke and seeking Alpha can bite me. I started using it six years ago and it was great because it gave me really good information. I was a novice now my portfolio is well over the big number and I owe a lot of it to the information I received from seeking Alpha. I have thousands of shares of ABBV. The information I got on seeking Alpha told me I had to own this. Over a dollar and a quarter per share every quarter unbelievable! I watch TV commercials for medicine and if it says ABBV, yay!

I now know enough to get myself in trouble, but I would like it if another company would take over where seeking Alpha parted ways! I’ve already canceled my subscription, I think. But they will not get another nickel from me. I will pay eight bucks a tweet for Twitter! That’s not gouging if it pushes out the idiots that screwed up this country and is hiding Joe Biden. He hast to get his! Oops,  time for me to go. A bunch of black SUVs just pulled up outside my house and people with guns are coming for me. I bet it’s Joe’s people hunting down anybody that says anything against Joe the thief of the world.


I agree with pretty much ALL of the above. I've been reading SA for years and sadly I've witnessed it go down down down-hill for all those years. And now they expect me to pay for this?? REALLY?? Not on your pathetic little Leftist shit-rag life, SA. NOT GONNA HAPPEN.


getting involved


I add my voice.  In particular, sending me emails with links to non-free articles without ANY indication that they are non-free until I click on them is a very distasteful way to operate, and I'm gone for good.


I am quite disappointed in the rapidly declining number of free articles on SA. I've been reading and commenting for years and enjoyed the ideas and discussions on different subjects and companies. The free flow of ideas was very stimulating, but now almost every article requires an SA Marketplace paid subscription. Too bad!


I am also moving away from SA for the same reason. Any tips for alternative websites?


Even the most novice contributor requires a "PRO" subscription, how do I cancel my free subscription...clearly I'm paying too much.