Site keeps running scripts?

  • updated
  • Under review

In the last couple of days, SA site has continued to "run" and "load" long after it has loaded, refusing to stop, even if I click on the X in Chrome to stop it. It stops, then continues running. I assume it's scripts. No other site I access does this, and I access a lot of sites. Yes, I've rebooted. No change. What's up? Did you change something recently?


Hi, if you could please provide the page URL and a screencap showing the error, we'll investigate. Apologies for the bad UX. 


constant alert  that page not responding due to long running script   this happening on many articles 

SA Admin Jonathan Liss
  • Under review


First, I wanted to apologize for the issues you are encountering. We take these sorts of user complaints very seriously - and are concerned that there are likely users experiencing the same issues. Would you be available to do a screenshare with 2 of our developers? This would allow us to get to the bottom of any issues you're experiencing. 

