How can I reduce Colorado Wealth Management Fund email flood?

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I follow Colorado Wealth Management, it appears in my "New articles by people you follow" e-mail, which I expected. But I also get a flood of e-mail from Colorado Wealth Management separately, which is very irritating. (Would a successful money management firm have to try so hard?)

If I unsubscribe from the e-mail, will it also take Colorado Wealth Management out of "New articles by people you follow"?

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SA Editor Daniel Shvartsman
  • Answer

They disclose their qualifications to us; after that it's up to them to decide what needs to be made public.

In keeping with our site's approach, our vetting primarily based on how much readers like their work, along with key ethical considerations. 

SA Editor Daniel Shvartsman
  • Answer

They disclose their qualifications to us; after that it's up to them to decide what needs to be made public.

In keeping with our site's approach, our vetting primarily based on how much readers like their work, along with key ethical considerations. 


You sidestepped my other question.  Why don't you require pay authors to disclose their qualifications?


The answer is yes, we vet all our paid authors. Thanks for the question.


You don't need to comment.  For all I know, you don't even know.  But this author is a "pay wall" author.  Surely  you at least have standards requiring pay authors to describe their qualifications?  Surely someone vets them?  


We don't comment on authors' profiles or backgrounds if they choose to operate under a pseduonym.

Crabpaws, we've just updated our email alerts so that it should be much easier to control this. Have a look at this article:


Is "Colorado Wealth Management Fund" an actual firm?  I suspect not, but his profile does not say.  A ton of bragging about this and that, but no real explanation of who he/she is or what his/her qualifications might be.

SA Editor Daniel Shvartsman
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Ok great, I have arranged that. The easiest way to do this is to go to the author's profile page, click unfollow, and then click follow again and make sure 'get email alerts' is turned off.

If you are still getting emails by the end of the week, please let me know. We are working on making this easier, by the way, for you to make this sort of change on your own, so stay tuned. Thank you for your support.


I don't see anywhere to change this in my settings. All it shows is I follow CWM. My preference is

- You only get CWM in new articles by people you follow


That probably means you are following them as a real-time follower which means you get email alerts each time they post. 

We can help set this up for you so either:

- You don't get CWM in any of your emails

- You only get CWM in new articles by people you follow

- You get CWM in new articles by people you follow and alerts each time they publish.

It sounds like you want one of the first two options. Which one would you prefer?


In that case, there's a bug in the system. I'm following Colorado Wealth Management like any other SeekingAlpha contributor, they appear in my "New articles by people you follow" AND I'm getting a bunch of separate e-mails from them every day.