Your comments

And the comment has NOT been deleted. 

I am thoroughly unimpressed with SA's responsiveness.

I did, sir, of course. But when one of your own article authors is this recurrently obscene, perhaps it is he, rather than merely just the comment, that should be deleted.

Mr. Hoffmann...

Please note the following post from SA article contributor Bret Jensen:

Bret Jensen ContributorPremiumMarketplace GuideComments22141 | FollowingAuthor’s reply » Definitely a very sick individual....doesn't even realize that Obama and Hillary were Alinsky followers....he really hasn't been the same since the state banned him from being within 500 yards of any playground.

That's your contributor... decorating your site with an accusation of child molestation.

Mr. Jensen's previous comments on your site over the years include the following:

"You must sit down to pee."

"You should embrace your bitch hood."

“How long has your boyfriend been happy to be the power top?”
"... like an adolescent girl with autism... absolutely ball less."

Isn't it about time you removed him from SA?