Your comments

Thanks, @beach_trader. I just checked again and my info is back, too.

I am curious if anyone at SA has read these posts and if anyone will try to address our concerns?

I agree. This was the only location on SA which provided the link to the companies Web Site, now it's gone.

Good question. I have been having the same experience for about a week now.

The solution which I posted about earlier continues to work well for me.

Trevor, who are you addressing?

if it is me-

Operating System is Window 10 Home, version 1903

Browser is Edge 44

Woodbridge, Viriginia

I communicated with Buyandhold 2014 who was having a similar problem.

He said he tampered with the advertisements and his situation improved slightly.

So, I went one step further. Bear in mind this solution has not been in place very long.

I did not change my browser from edge to chrome, but I believe that my problem with the site has been corrected by my doing the following:

I went to "settings"
I clicked on "privacy & security"
I scrolled to "cookies"
I changed the default setting
from "don't block cookies"
to "block only third party cookies"
Then I rebooted my computer and all problems with Seeking Alpha cleared up.

Good luck to you all.

Additionally, this problem occurs regardless of article length or number of comments. It discourages reading.

I am experiencing this problem, too.