  • updated
  • Not a bug

They have known of this issue for months, and still it continues. Sometimes, I get the 'Press and Hold' window - over and over and over. Yet my settings for Java and cookies appear to be fine. Their online support has TWICE said they would report the problem and get back to me. They didn't. I called them last week and left a message. Crickets.

I'll have to cancel if it continues, which would be a shame.

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SA Admin Kushal Mehrotra
  • Answer
  • Not a bug

Hi all,

After discussing this with our security team we learnt that many of the Press & Hold occurrences happen to users that are using selenium based automation tools and any kind of user agent spoofing.
We highly discourage this and hence have implemented this security layer.
Please check if the devices being used to access Seeking Alpha are not compromised in any way, or do not have such tools.

I hope this helps, Feel free to reach out in case further assistance is required.

Kushal Mehrotra
Data Quality Analyst


I've decided not to subscribe - this problem is ongoing and appears unsolvable.


This press and hold thing just started happening to me.  Super annoying!  Please make it stop.  It comes up after a while and then it just won't go away even after I do the press and hold thing.


This is so goddamn annoying!

How is it that I can read multiple articles with no issues and then, out of nowhere BAM! Press & Hold comes up.

Yes, Java is enabled. Yes, cookies, blah blah blah are good to go. Nothing has changed on my end.

It is so random! Half the time simply refreshing the page makes it go away. You know since most of the time actually doing the Press & Hold only makes the Press & Hold not go away and demands to be done again and again and again all the while telling me that I have to check my browser Java settings to make sure they are enabled.


over and over - really annoying - and tech at SA doesn’t seem to care about fixing it.......

Investor 1990

Just got this error for the first time & had to press & hold twice to resolve it. What's up with this? Doesn't inspire confidence in the site for me or make me want to pay to subscribe. 

arnold bird

I’ve run into this literally dozens of times. Unresolved issues like this pretty much guanrantee I would never pay for this service.  SA should refund all paid subscriptions until this is resolved.


I couldn't do anything on the site today so I went into my Chrome browser settings and went to cookies. I deleted all Seeking Alpha cookies (there were a lot). I had to enter username and password again but once I did, the site has been working all day. Fingers crossed it stays that way!


I'm getting it too. I even got it when I tried to vote for this issue! This needs to get fixed or I'll go to Yahoo premium.


For me, the problem is just a little 'less bad' after being told that the problem would be resolved last week. After many years on the site, I will cancel my subscription if not resolved SOON.


QGet this.

1) I am logged into my own account, reading my own article notifications then bam!  Press & Hold bullshit.

2) I am logged into my account, several minutes into reading an article and its comments.  I decide to reply to a comment then bam!  Press & Hold bullshit.

3) Seeking Alpha still sends advertisements / promotions to my email, asking me to subscribe to its services.

This has happened for years and SA still hasn't fixed it.  

Also, no, I am not disabling my adblock.

In case the message isn't clear: 

I don't care how good the information is on SA.  If the user experience is shit, then don't expect a subscription.