Your comments

Hello, we are working on a fix, could you please reinstall the app and let us know if this helped.

Could please check SPAM folder and let me now. If you want be able to find email we will activate your account for you manually.

Thank you for your message and I apologize for the inconvenience. We are working on a fix for the issue and it will be available in the next release.

Hi, there is know issue and we work on a fix. Sorry for inconvenience.

As a work around I can suggest you to re-install the app (delete and install it again) for now.

Hello, seems like email address you provided is not valid -

Please double check spelling and let us know, so we can fix your email to real one.

Thank you for reporting, we will fix it asap.

While it is in process you can manage your alerts in Settings -

Thank you for feedback, we are already working on the fix and it should be available in the in the nearest updates.

HI, I've activated your account, could you please try re-login and try again.

Please notify in case if issue persists.

Hi, as far as I see, all your email alerts are switched off. 

Please log in using desktop browser, navigate to "User Settings" screen ( and switch on desired email alerts.

Hello, in order to updated your CC information please navigate to Settings - Subscriptions Settings screen ( and hit "Update" button next to Credit Card Info.