Your comments

Hi, could you please tell which OS and browser are you using?


Do you have this issue with some particular ticker?

Button "Subscribe" propose you to subscribe to our extra services, it's not about not being logged in.
What was the last time you were logged in and seen you correct account with data?

Hi, I will tell responsible people about it.

In a meanwhile please check that you use correct credential or were using correct one since July.

The issue with search is fixed. Please tell us if you still encounter it.

Hi, could you please tell which symbols you were looking for?

Hi, could you please send us the link to the article and if possible screenshot.

Hello, as I see you've canceled your Essential subscription on 6th of February and don't have any active subscription. 

Ypu can see all your subscriptions here

One more question, we cannot reproduce the issues as it is.

Could it be that you have an active Ad blocker? Some of them might cause issues with buttons.

Hi, could you please tell if you still experiencing this issues and if yes - what OS and browser with a version of it are you using.