Your comments

Hi, you can go to "Holdings" tab and click the value in the "Shares" column (or Add Lot) and there you will be able to edit/remove or add a new slot for a particular company.

We fixed duplicates that, sorry for the inconvenience.

Hi, you can click on the number of shares in order to edit/add/remove holdings.

Hi, as far as I understand you are referring to a mobile Portfolio? If so could you please specify a device you are using and what exactly happens when you click on Portfolio drop-down.
Thank you in advance.

Could you please specify Portfolio and list holdings which are extra?

Hi, please could you check your Holdings again. Could you please verify that it looks correct now?

Hi, sorry for the temporary inconvenience, the issue is resolved. Please tell us if you still experiencing any difficulties with the display of any page.

We fixed the issues, please let us know if you still experiencing any related issues. Thanks in advance!

Hi, thank you for reporting this issue, we are investigating it and will return to you as soon as possible.