Your comments

Hi, thank you for reporting! We are already working on the fix.

Hi, it sounds like you have "Very Large" font-size enabled in your phone's settings (Settings - "Display and Brightness" - "Text Size").
Check there and adjust the font to the one convenient for you.
Please let me know if it won't help.

Please check again, We fixed the issue on our side. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hi! Thank you for notifying us, we will fix it asap.

Hi, this page is available via the link - Please confirm that you can open it.
Please tell us where you used to see this option and now can't.

Hi, the issue should be fixed already, please verify and let us know.

Thank you for reaching up again.

Yes, you are correct, Feedback forum and site's comments are different systems, thank you for pointing at.
Each new line is a new paragraph on the site, the same as it works for the article text. 
I see this behavior for more than a year, so we assume it is not a bug and we can't fix it now, but we will consider it for the future.

Thank you/

Hi, we fixed the issues.
Please notify us if you any problems.

We fixed the issues.
Please notify us if you any problems.

"Edit" button is locked on the right from the name of your portfolio.
When you are in a single portfolio view you will see that option.
"Edit" option is not shown in the All Portfolios view.