Your comments


Once you visit the page a certain number of times, your browser will store a cache of the same and it will load faster from thereon.
Requesting your patience on this, feel free to reach out in case you require assistance with anything else.

Kushal Mehrotra

Data QA Analyst, Seeking Alpha

Hi LostInRetirement,

The image you're referring to is a snapshot of the Holdings tab, where you can create multiple entries of your lots.
A single stock purchased at different times can be recorded as different entries that allows you to track the performance of that particular purchase.
If you desire a single row for multiple purchases, you can edit lots instead of adding lots. This will allow you to change the number of stocks held and you can enter the average cost for all purchases.

Hope this helped, feel free to reach out in case you need additional clarification.
Happy to help.

Kushal Mehrotra

Data QA Analyst, Seeking Alpha


We did undertake beta testing before releasing the New update for all, and we did it in phases.
Thank you for understanding this, I understand change is uneasy at the beginning but I can assure you this new update is packed with a lot of useful features.

Kushal Mehrotra

Data QA Analyst, Seeking Alpha


We value your continued engagement with SA, Premium OR NOT.
Here is something that attempts to clear some of the issues may face

The new portfolio page is packed with a lot of useful features while keeping everything that you loved about the old portfolio.

1. JUMP TO ARTICLES - You can jump to articles related to your portfolio by clicking on 'View Headlines' on the far right or you can collapse your list of stocks by clicking on your portfolio name (Portfolio 1, in this case) and clicking 'All Portfolio'

2 EDIT HOLDINGS - You can edit shares in a lot by clicking on shares and then choose to edit or add lots:




3. SORT ALPHABETICALLY - You can also arrange your stocks alphabetically by clicking on the symbol column, and then arrange them in ascending/descending order and you can also have a custom sort on any other column like 'Change %', 'Volume' etc. Your desired sorting will be saved by default.

Additionally, you can view a lot of helpful metrics like Earnings (to track earnings call date), Growth, Performance etc. that will aid you in managing your portfolio.
I'm sure in due time you will find the new portfolio page very useful and friendly.

Kushal Mehrotra

Data QA Analyst, Seeking Alpha


can you share the details of the tablet you're using? we may be able to resolve that issue.


I'd like to mention here that we have acknowledged that there's a duplication issue with the launch of the new Portfolio Page, and we're working on resolving this.
Requesting your patience and continued support.

Kushal Mehrotra

Data QA Analyst, Seeking Alpha


We send notifications for articles that you engaged with on a weekly basis.

Kushal Mehrotra

Data QA Analyst, Seeking Alpha


SORT ALPHABETICALLY - You can arrange your stocks alphabetically by clicking on the symbol column, and then arrange them in Ascending/Descending order and you can also have a custom sort on any other column like 'Change %', 'Volume' etc. Your desired sorting will be saved by default.

Additionally, you can view a lot of helpful metrics like Earnings (to track earnings call date), Growth, Performance etc. that will aid you in managing your portfolio.
I'm sure in due time you will find the new portfolio page very useful and friendly.

Kushal Mehrotra

Data QA Analyst, Seeking Alpha


The option to like an article is always at the bottom of the article, after you've finished the entire article.
Please find an image for reference below.

Kushal Mehrotra

Data QA Analyst, Seeking Alpha