Your comments

Hi, can you elaborate and give an example? Thanks.

Reported to our ticker research department. Thanks.

We tried logging in as you and were able to comment. Try again and let us know if it's still an issue.

Hi. That's part of the more the robust editing ability the author's have, it's not currently available in comments. But we can look into adding it. Thanks.

Yes, what avatar999 sounds correct. Let us know if that doesn't work.

Looks like a bug. We'll address it. Thank you.

If you have a factual issue with an article we encourage you to file a dispute from the link below the article. If you have a disagreement with an author's analysis please respectfully address it in the comment section. Many of our authors are eager such feedback. 



Can you provide a few examples of the StockTalks with these issues so we can try and reproduce the problem?
