Your comments

I guess I am a "person no grata" here!

I'm with you Teddy KGB- I also feel "unsiatisfied" too!

Unfortunately it does NOT satisfy me.  I have little tolerance for stupidity and having a feature that arbitrarily hides comments is stupid.  There is no reason for it. You never used to do it.  I don't see any reason why this "show more replies" or "Load Previous Comments" even exists. When the format goes back to the 2020 format where when I will resume reading and writing on SA

I am not reading or submitting any more articles until this issue gets fixed and you go back to the old way.  THE NEW WAY TOTALLY SUCKS!!!  WHY DID YOU CHANGE SOMETHING THAT WAS PERFECT AS IT WAS????

 "We added an option underneath the menu that you can expand all of the comments hidden behind the show more."

But why would anyone want to hide a whole bunch of comments? Hiding certain comments is a worthless feature and should not even exist.  ALL comments should immediately load like it used to be.  

Just go back to the old way.  It was perfect and needed NO modification.

Good points- just go back to the OLD way!

we have all been making that point all week.

To SA:

With the old format I didn't have to click individual portfolios. Once I logged in to SA, I could see ALL HOLDINGS IN ALL PORTFOLIOS AT ALL TIMES. We don't want to see just the total for each portfolio, we want to see

ALL HOLDINGS IN ALL PORTFOLIOS AT ALL TIMES. Plus the page would automatically refresh so I could just leave that page open all the time and monitor everything without having to click anything. That's the part that SA is not getting- the best thing about the old format was the ability to continuously see ALL HOLDINGS IN ALL PORTFOLIOS AT ALL TIMES. By eliminating that feature, you have ruined the entire platform.

we have been making that point all week let's hope SA fixes it because the current portfolio trackers sucks.