Email alerts will not open

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For the last week, when I open an email alert, then click on the 'read' button I get a 'lost secure connection' notice. This is on my lap top. Does not matter what location I am in.  I tired resetting my password - did not help.


Duplicates 13
Help: I'm not able to open by emails from Seeking Alphs: Can’t connect securely to this page This might be because the site uses outdated or unsafe TLS security settings. If this keeps happening, try contacting the website’s owner.
email read alerts will not open john boyce
I am as of two days ago, unable to access articles in SA from Mozilla Firefox. They cite security issues. How to fix?
I get your emails, but they will not open any more. Has something changed
Rica Morwa article 11/7 will not open. Safari says no connection. No problems on any other email.
I cannot open Seeking Alpha email attachements on my iPhone. I get the following message when trying to open an attachment. “Safari cannot open the page because it cannot establish a secure connection to the server”. Thank you for your help!
I can't open links to authors on postings in my emails. All say not connecting to site
Can't read email after clocking embedded link

Can't load email's with link starting with "email.seekingalpha..."  Remove "email" field and sometimes can load.

Recently when I try to access SA notifications on my email, I get a message from my server that "The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified." What is the problem?
emailed links are all broken

As of a couple days ago all links from emails are broken. I am a Note8 user and this is the first time ive experienced this.

email will not connect

I get an email notification and cannot connect to seeking alpha from the email. "Read here" Safari cannot connect to article.

All of my emails say the network connection was lost when I tap the link
Seeking alpha won’t load entirely. The portfolio won’t load. “Safari can’t open the page as the network connection was lost. - strictly for seeking alpha. Sometimes seeking alpha can load with Safari but not with the Seeking Alpha app. I’ve tried various

was lost.” I have tried different remedies like deleting web history and rebooting the seeking alpha app with inconsistent results. I am in Portugal. I also have a iPhone in addition to this iPad and it has the same problem. 

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SA Jacob Maltz
  • Answer
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Hi, we made a change to try and fix this.  Let me know if you still see the problem when clicking from emails.


I tried removing the "email" and it is working for me, but it shouldn't be necessary to do this on every email alert that I receive. Obviously this is a Seeking Alpha issue which needs to be addressed ASAP before readers start to forego using the convenience of email alerts.  Seeking Alpha is too good for that to occur !!  Get this fixed now !!!

Quote from goblueres

I tried removing the "email" and it is working for me, but it shouldn't be necessary to do this on every email alert that I receive. Obviously this is a Seeking Alpha issue which needs to be addressed ASAP before readers start to forego using the convenience of email alerts.  Seeking Alpha is too good for that to occur !!  Get this fixed now !!!

I thought I had a good thing going w/ this E/M from Seeking Alpha. Was able to share articles w/ family. 

Now it is much more difficult. We need your help Seeking Alpha. There are a lot of people relying on this





Possibly because you are trying to get into the wrong persons or rightful owners account

Quote from anonymous

Can you please share a screenshot of what you see?


Daniel Hochman

Director of Product, Seeking Alpha


Quote from anonymous


Can you please forward the exact same email you got to ? And you were trying to open it on Chrome on your Galaxy Note 8? Which email app were you using- the Gmail App?


Daniel Hochman

Director of Product, Seeking Alpha


For those still having the issue- please let us know which anti-virus or anti-malware you may have installed.


Daniel Hochman

Director of Product, Seeking Alpha

Alan Caley
Quote from SA Jacob Maltz

Hi, we made a change to try and fix this.  Let me know if you still see the problem when clicking from emails.

Hallo Jacob, Unfortunately I am still having the same problem as before (I just tried a few minutes ago) - Nothing has changed.  My virus protection software is VIPRE on a Windows 10 System (German version of OS).  Cheers Alan


Hi All,

We just made a change which we hope will fix this issue. Please let us know if it helped.


Daniel Hochman

Director of Product, Seeking Alpha

Alan Caley
Quote from anonymous

Hi All,

We just made a change which we hope will fix this issue. Please let us know if it helped.


Daniel Hochman

Director of Product, Seeking Alpha

Hallo Daniel, Good news your fix just functioned on both a new article and an old one.

Many thanks for bring this Problem to a satisfactory conclusion.


It started working this afternoon. Thanks