Your comments

Thanks for your feedback.   This is a known issue with chat  and we are planning to fix it asap

Please paste a screenshot of where you expect the button to be present 

Hold ctrl key and press the plus button to increase font size,

please take a picture of the screen when it happens and post it here.

Thanks for the feedback.

Sorry, we no longer offer this service, but you might find it on the investor relations section of the company website.

Thanks for your feedback.  We already send notifications to anyone who commented on the thread or who tracks new comments.  One advantage of @tagging is that you can notify people not on the thread to join the conversation, another is that it allows people to address users specifically and generate a special notification.  I have been seeing more and more people use them, I think it is an issue of letting people get used to them (we are also rolling out some small improvements)  I am reluctant to force people to use it.  Appreciate your thoughts.

Thanks for the feedback, we will be working on expanding portfolio functionality.