Your comments

What historical data ? Please send screenshot

This happens when you exceed 250 stocks per portfolio or 400 stocks across all portfolios.  We have a bug that the error message is not displayed.

Try uninstalling and reinstalling the app and let me know if it fixes the problem

I cannot reproduce this and your account is not locked,  I also don't see a reduction in comments made over the weekend. could you please confirm if this is working now ?

This is fixed now, sorry for the inconvenience.

We are working on adding this functionality to Android.  It is already available on iPhone.

Uninstall the app, install again from app store.  Type in your correct  email in the login screen.  

It only happens on the data tab ?  I manage to see this only if I refresh my portfolio and then quickly scroll to the bottom.  After 2 seconds it goes back to normal colors.  Are you seeing similar behavior  or does it stay like this always ?  Which browser are you running ?  Thanks for your assistance with this.