Your comments

Hi, do you mean you want a forward button like the browser has, so you can go back and then forward again ?   We primarily designed the Back button for the case where the user scrolls through a list of articles, clicks on one and then wants to return to the list to read another.   Please provide a specific example of what you are looking for and we will consider it.

Please reach out to CNBC to fix it on their end.  We have no access to fix their site.

I see a valid subscription for this account. Please log in to Seeking Alpha with the same email in all your devices and you will see your premium account.

Pleasentsurprise, I do not see any subscription to premium under this Seeking Alpha account.  Is it possible that you purchased when you were logged in to another account ?  If so, please log into the account using the same mechanism on all devices so we can find your subscription.

Hi all thanks so much for your feedback.  Our primary reason for making these changes is to use the same page across our desktop and mobile platforms using Responsive web technology.    We have already finished our home and portfolio pages, and most of the symbol page, and we are now working on the news and opinion article pages.  At the moment we are testing a new version of our responsive news page on some of our users which is why you are seeing it.   

As you mentioned in your feedback, we do have an issue with the button for turning on tracking comments, our developers are working on it and it will be available ASAP inside a menu at the top of the comment section next to the sorting. As shown below:

Also, we created a new design for the "New" articles which is highlighted in green and works for mobile as well as desktop.  We also bold the new comment, which is currently in focus, so it is clear which comment you jumped to via the "Next" button although we are considering changing this bold design to a background color instead.  For example: 

Please keep in mind that there are a very large number of screen sizes and screen resolutions that people can be using and it is impossible for us to test all of them.   When you see a problem, please assume that it looks perfect on my laptop and that I need to understand what you are seeing so I can figure out if it is indeed something that we can fix for you and all users with a similar setup. The best way to do this is to paste a screenshot right into the report.  

All the best,


This was introduced inadvertently and was removed

Did you do a login with Apple previously ? Did you tell Apple to hide your email from us ?  If you did so, then we stored your portfolios under the hidden email address and you need to login again with the hidden email in order to access them.  You are now logged in with your real email.  For security reasons, we have no way of connecting your hidden email with your real email.  For more information about hiding your email:

 Authors cannot remove comments but they (and anyone else) can report the comments to our moderation team.  If the comment does not conform to the guidelines, it will be removed