Your comments

We will support sharing which includes bookmarking in the redesigned app available later this year.

The new version of the Android/iOS apps coming this year, and mobile web will support flexible comment sorting.

It is part of the redesigned app being released later this year for both Android and iPhone (and mobile web)

Looks fine on my phone, Anyone else having the same problem ?

We changed the logic of notifications, and no longer auto-delete items when clicked from the notification center.  I will look into whether these changes affected the icon.

Please click report abuse on any comment which you feel is written in an abusive fashion.  Our moderation team works hard to keep our comment community on a professional respectful level.

If you subscribe to email alerts for a major Canadian ETF like BBCA or EWC, you will  receive some Canadian related news, but keep in mind that our focus is the USA traded market., not the Canadian market.

Like what?  Go to notification settings and disable what you do not want to see.

Looks like you solved it yourself.  Let me know if you have any further issue.

Update your app.  This problem was fixed.