Your comments

This feature unfortunately, caused lots of problems with the Android app.  In our new progressive web app coming in 2019 for Android, we will be reintroducing offline mode.

We do not currently support portfolio sorting in the current iPhone app but it will be available in our redesigned app coming in 2019.

Usually it means you hit the maximum number of symbols.  Just remove some and you will be able to add more.

thanks for reporting the issue.  Please forward me 2-3 of the duplicate emails to

You have exceeded the maximum of 250 stocks per portfolio OR 400 stocks across all your portfolios. 

our ipad app doesn’t have a login with google option.  Do you mean Android tablet ?  What version of Android is the tablet?   Please post screenshots from the app store of which app you downloaded 

I activated it for you

Thanks for your feedback.  This is on our roadmap for next year.

Thanks for your feedback.  Subscribers to SA Essential or PRO+ now have unlimited access to transcripts.