Your comments

I see your comment 

It would help if you could provide an article title since all the ones I checked look ok.

You are right, these seem to be suspicious profiles.  Thanks for bringing them to our attention !

Rather than just update, I suggest you uninstall and reinstall.  We have a remaining problem with updates that I am working on resolving. 

You are still running the 3.10.6 release which has a slowness issue.  Please uninstall the app and install again from the app store the 3.10.7 release.  It should be much faster to load comments etc.

This is a known issue that we are grappling with.  Logging out and logging in to the app again is one way this problem can occur.  As a workaround, please uninstall the app and reinstall again from the app store.  We are actively working on a resolution


I saw in our logs that you had the error and 10 minutes later you were able to submit comments.   We are trying to get to the bottom of this issue.  What did you do to get it working again ?



Appreciate your feedback, we are planning to showing deeper levels of indentation, as well as sorting, and collapsing long threads of replies.  Just FYI, we are going to be rolling out these improvements to comments in our responsive mobile web first and will be looking for your feedback .  Our initial release will be early next year.

We have a new version available in the apps store which should fix the problem.  Since it is in slow rollout phase, the best way to get it now is to remove the app from your phone and then install it again from the app store.  Please let me know if the problem is resolved.

We will look into this.  Sorry for the inconvenience