Your comments

Hi jledwards2010,

You can do that here - - or email us at



Hi Amishrabr,

Thanks for the message, good question. Whichever contributor you're looking to review, the url should be the same:

For example, you are signed up to Vasuda Healthcare Analytics. So that is available at If you've already made a review, you should see the ability to edit it at the bottom of the page.

Please let us know if you have any questions.



Thanks for the message, Roger. That's a good idea. Getting performance tracking right is challenging, so we haven't done it in the past, but it's an interest of ours and I appreciate you sharing that.

Thanks for the message. Could you email us at with your email address, or let us know here what your user id is on Seeking Alpha? We can address from there. Thank you,


Hi Igor,

Thanks for the message. We removed the positions tab from the Marketplace, as it wasn't getting sufficient use across the board. You can contact Eric Parnell through the direct messages here to ask for how he's tracking positions now -



They disclose their qualifications to us; after that it's up to them to decide what needs to be made public.

In keeping with our site's approach, our vetting primarily based on how much readers like their work, along with key ethical considerations. 

Hi River18, please have another look, we had a brief outage but should be live now.

Hi lkiru, please have another look, we had a brief outage but should be live now.

Hi DMShavitz, please have another look, we had a brief outage but should be live now.

Sorry for that, we have had some brief outages this AM, but should be live now. Please let us know if you see any problems.